US graduates face cut-throat job market as companies scrap internships | 美国企业取消实习机会让毕业生面临激烈竞争 - FT中文网

US graduates face cut-throat job market as companies scrap internships

Early careers opportunities are ‘one of the first things to go’ for employers cutting costs
Welcoming a class of summer interns is a tradition in corporate America. But this summer, companies are bringing in fewer students, if any. 
Goldman Sachs hired 200 fewer summer analysts this year than in 2023. JPMorgan reduced the size of its own class of summer analysts by 600, more than ten per cent of the total. Tesla rescinded its internship offers just weeks before students were due to start.
高盛(Goldman Sachs)今年招聘的夏季分析师比2023年减少了200人。摩根大通将自己的夏季分析师团队减少了600人,占总人数的10%以上。就在学生开学前几周,特斯拉取消了实习机会。
As US employers attempt to cut costs and increase efficiency, in anticipation of an economic slowdown, internships have been axed. Many companies have reduced hiring for white-collar jobs after recruiting too many new graduates in recent years, meaning there would not be enough jobs for more interns to move into.
US jobs site ZipRecruiter said postings for internships on its website fell 14 per cent between this summer and last. Listings for internships on Indeed dropped too, said Nick Bunker, an economist at the jobs site in North America.
美国招聘网站ZipRecruiter表示,从今年夏季到去年夏季,其网站上发布的实习职位减少了14%。招聘网站Indeed北美的经济学家尼克•邦克(Nick Bunker)说,Indeed上的实习职位也减少了。
“I think that’s broadly a reflection of the sectors that tend to hire for interns [having] seen a pronounced pullback in job postings, especially for those traditional, white-collar corporate positions,” Bunker said, adding that advertisements fell the most in finance and consulting.
Companies have opened their offices up to college students eager to gain hands-on experience and valuable contacts since the 1960s. Over the decades, internships have evolved from cheap labour for coffee runs and administrative work to elaborate training programmes that resemble apprenticeships.
The most competitive programmes at Wall Street banks, Big Four consulting firms, and tech groups have included on-campus recruiters, housing allowances and extravagant entertainment events billed as team-building exercises. That has made them prime targets for cost cutting, according to Matthew Hora, an associate professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison who studies internships.
华尔街银行、四大咨询公司和科技集团最具竞争力的项目包括校园招聘、住房补贴和标榜为团队建设活动的奢侈娱乐活动。威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校(University of Wisconsin-Madison)研究实习项目的副教授马修•霍拉(Matthew Hora)表示,这使得它们成为削减成本的主要目标。
“Internships are always one of the first things to go,” Hora said. “If I was a CEO and I was looking at things to cut, this would definitely be one of the first.”
Sean McGowan, director of employer relations at Carnegie Mellon University, said companies had this year taken months longer than normal to commit to attending his college’s hiring fairs for summer internships. Those that did come relied more heavily on virtual interviews, instead of flying out recruiters to meet students.
卡耐基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)雇主关系主管肖恩•麦高恩(Sean McGowan)表示,今年,公司比往年多花了几个月的时间才承诺参加该校的暑期实习招聘会。那些参加企业更多地依赖于虚拟面试,而不是派出招聘人员与学生见面。
A person familiar with Wall Street’s hiring procedures said the number of interns hired each summer tended to fluctuate alongside business needs. Goldman Sachs and JPMorgan declined to comment on their summer analyst classes. Tesla did not respond to a request for comment. 
The pullback has made the application season especially cut-throat for students. Recruiters saw sharp rises in the number of applications for each role as postings dried up. Goldman Sachs received 315,000 applications for fewer than 3,000 roles. JPMorgan received 493,000 applications, an 82 per cent increase from last summer, the chief executive of the bank’s asset and wealth management unit, Mary Callahan Erdoes, said in May.
“How hard it was caught everybody a little off guard,” said Lesley Mitler, a career coach who specialises in college students. “The application process for internships has become just as competitive as for full-time roles.”
专门为大学生服务的职业教练莱斯利•米特勒(Lesley Mitler)说:“这让每个人都有点措手不及。申请实习工作的竞争已经变得和申请全职工作一样激烈。”
Pressure on students to land internships has intensified in recent years as university leaders are increasingly asked to demonstrate that degrees provide enough career opportunities to justify rising tuition costs, Hora said. Students are also turning to internships to bulk up their résumés as overall hiring has slowed, he added.
One of Mitler’s clients submitted 70 internship applications, and only received one interview and one offer.
Not all firms have put their internship programmes on the chopping block. Kaseya, a Miami-based software supplier, doubled the size of its internship class to 24 this year. Applications also doubled, keeping the process extremely competitive, said Kaseya’s head of global recruitment Eric Lund.
并不是所有的公司都放弃了实习项目。总部位于迈阿密的软件供应商Kaseya今年将实习生人数增加了一倍,达到24人。Kaseya全球招聘主管埃里克•隆德(Eric Lund)表示,申请人数也增加了一倍,使招聘过程竞争异常激烈。
“For the first time in a few years, you actually have to work to get a job out of college,” Lund said, “and I think a lot of that is coming to a head for the interns.”
The shift will probably leave more and more students competing for fewer roles, Hora said. But a growing number of employers tell him that they no longer have the resources to run the programmes.
“They say, ‘we just need all of our staff. We can’t have them mentoring some college students.’”











